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Howdy and Welcome to my best quotes site!
I’ve tried to make this site fun and full of interesting and unusual quotes.
So while famous Americans and politicians will have a few quotations here, so will some people you have likely never heard of – like me.
When I use one of my own, I use admin. I’ve tried not to copy any of my original quotes but if I do, you’re welcome to call me out on it.
I’ve even have a few good words on soil and from the national gardening association.
I’ll try to keep it positive or funny – but sometimes having a somber or sobering quote is thought provoking.
I’ll bet some of you have some good stuff to send. So just do it. Send it to me & I’ll publish it.
My email is
Quote of the Day
Never burn bridges, you never know if that road is meant to be ahead of you.
Oh – by the way there are no insurance qoutes here. No car, auto, boat or any other annoying insurance qoutes.
We will only talking about quotes from real, life humans. Well maybe a few aliens but you get the idea.
Incidentally, I have been doing a lot of gardening, planting and yard work. Expect a few quotes from me that might be spiced up with a few choice words.